Educational Background
Ph.D. (Mathematics), Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India. 1990.
Professional Experience
June 2021- to Present Florida Institute of Technology. Department Head and Professor of Mathematical Sciences (Department name changed to Department of Mathematics and Systems Engineering (MSE) in July 2023.)
August 2007- May 2021 Florida Institute of Technology. Professor of Mathematical Sciences.
August 2002 – May 2007 – Florida Institute of Technology. Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences.
March 1994 – May 2002 – Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Assistant Professor of Mathematics.
June 1992 – February 94 – Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Research Associate at the Department of Mathematics.
August 1990 – May 1992 - Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Learning. Lecturer.
Selected Publications
B. Choudhury, T. Gnana Bhaskar, N. Metiya, S. Kundu, Existence and stability of coupled fixed point sets for multi-valued mapping, Fixed Point Theory, 22(2021), No. 2, 571-586.
T. Gnana Bhaskar, V. Slynko, V. Stability of invariant manifolds of certain classes of Set Differential Equations, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete, Impulsive Systems, series A: Mathematical Analysis, 27 (2020), 1 – 17.
R. Alikhani, F. Bahrami, T. Gnana Bhaskar, Existence and uniqueness results for fuzzy linear differential-algebraic equations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 245 (2014) 30–42.
Fulya Yoruk, T. Gnana Bhaskar, R.P. Agarwal, New uniqueness results for fractional differential equations, Applicable Analysis, 92 (2), 2013, 259-269.
T. Gnana Bhaskar and Kanishka Perera, On some elliptic interface problems with nonhomogeneous jump conditions, Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 2(2), 2013, 195-211.
G. Galanis, T. Gnana Bhaskar and V. Lakshmikantham, Set Differential Equations in Frechet Spaces, J. Applied Analysis, 14 (1), 2008, 103- 113.
FS De Blasi, V. Lakshmikantham and T. Gnana Bhaskar, An existence theorem for set differential inclusions in a metric space, Control and Cybernatics, 36 (2007) (3), 571- 582.
T. Gnana Bhaskar and V. Lakshmikatham, Fixed Point Theorems in partially ordered Metric Spaces and Applications, Nonlinear. Anal.Appl. TMA. 65, 2006, 1379-1393
Research Monograph: Theory of Set Differential Equations in a metric space, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2005. (with V. Lakshmikantham and JV Devi)