
BIM Training

Prepare for a Technical Career in the Construction Industry
with BIM Training

Florida Tech’s Building Information Modeling Program Can Get You There

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process that helps construction project teams understand a building through the use of a digital model. This digital form of the project is an effective management tool because it brings together all of the information about every facet of the project in one place, where it can be shared with every team  member for collaboration and to reduce the risk of mistakes, cost overruns, schedule challenges, and more.

Florida Tech’s BIM Training

Florida Tech offers BIM training as part of its construction management program. Students delve into how BIM is changing the process for the design and documentation of construction projects. They discover how using three-dimensional intelligent design information in a virtual design and construction environment allows architects, engineers, builders and other construction professionals to instantly see critical project information and work more effectively. The ripple effect of a change, automatic generation of drawings and reports, access to design analysis, facilities analysis and more afford the entire project team a wealth of information for better decision-making.

Is BIM New?

This technology is not new, but BIM is now more sophisticated and more widely used across the entire construction project, rather than solely architecture. Using an all-digital design and documentation process speeds up construction as it streamlines processes and identifies issues long before they show up on the construction site. Graduates with BIM training are sought-after professionals for their wide understanding of every aspect of a construction project.

What Does BIM Training Involve?

Florida Tech’s training provides students with a background in state-of-the-art BIM methodologies that comprise a collection of related processes, methods, and tools. These methodologies are used in activities typically conducted by the architecture, engineering, and construction disciplines. BIM experts coordinate the process of generating and managing digital models of buildings and structures, as well as building information model virtual files. 

In addition to construction, architectural and engineering expertise, BIM training creates expertise in the software used in the industry to create these virtual models. BIM experts often spend substantial time at job sites to inspect the project and see construction progress in order to accurately reflect different tasks and information to the building model plan.

Traits of BIM Managers Employers Value

  • Graduates with BIM training have a well-rounded knowledge of construction. A BIM manager who holds this type of comprehensive knowledge of construction is a valuable asset to any company, and may find strong career growth.
  • BIM managers understand how architects, engineers and contractors all work with 3D models, and often have background in one or more of those fields. This aids the construction manager in a smoother workflow and successful completion of the project.
  • Excellent communication skills are a hallmark of an effective BIM manager. Like many collaborative work environments, BIM training emphasizes the importance of effective management through good communication. And, because it touches every department in the organization, a good BIM manager must also be a good teacher to train others about its use and value.
  • BIM expertise is perfect for those individuals who love the technical aspects of the industry and can manage a highly complex role in the organization. But, they must also have a big-picture perspective and be able to not get lost in the tech-y nature of things, but see how the technology is used to help team members, provide information and ultimately help the project be a success for everyone.